Iconography Explored: Recommended Reading for Art Enthusiasts

During my QnA sessions, and in many personal messages, I am often asked for recommendation for a book that will provide basic information about iconography. And the first book I suggest is “Elements of Indian Art” by S. P. Gupa and Shashi Prabha Asthana. The book published by D. K. Printword and Indraprastha Museum of Art and Archaeology, is available on all online stores. The book is also a part of the series of books on the topic of “Perspectives in Indian Art & Archaeology”.

This is a handy introduction to the many facets of Indian art; and covers its progression from the rock art of Bhimbetka and the mother goddess figurines of the Sindhu-Saraswati civilization, to various temple building styles (Nagara, Dravida, Vesara and Orissan) and the distinct skills and contributions of major Indian dynasties.

The book first talks about the basics of art as an element of temple building in Hinduism. here, the author puts forwards the difference between Indian art and Western. It talks about the Avatars of Vishnu, the philosophy of Buddhism and Jainism, different temple building styles in different parts of India and the art elements of these temples. It also talks about the Basic nature of Indian art like paintings, music, Nine Rasas etc.

The book further explains the Indian art from historical perspectives and the art in various era like Mauryan, Sunga-Satvahana, Kushana, Gupta, Maitraka, Early Chalukya, Rashtrakuta, Pallava, Gurjara Pratihara, Chola, Pala, Hoysala, Chandela and Odisha art. It also talks about iconography of various deities in Hiduism.

Iconography is covered in detail in this book. This includes the classification of images into chala and achala (mobile and stationary), the different Mudras (Hasta, Pada and Sharira), Asanas, Mukutas (hair-dos/head gear), Abhushana (ornaments) and Vahanas (mounts). The topic of Iconometry is also introduced towards the end of the book, and can be a very good value addition to someone looking to study the the topic of iconography.

The book will be a good read for everyone traying to gain some basic knowledge on iconography. Here is the amazon link to buy the book.

By Dr Dinesh Soni

Dinesh is an an indologist and is writer of 18 books. He holds a doctorate in cultural studies. He is felicitated by Acedemia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan for his research in mythology. He has received numerous awards including the Lokmat Digital Influencer Award (Heritage). Dinesh is also a speaker who has graced many occasions. He is the main admin of Indian.Temples.

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