The life and death is a complete cyclical process. One takes birth, lives life, dies and again takes birth. And this cycle is perfectly represented by a wheel or Chakra in Hinduism. But that is not the only thing that is represented by a Chkara.
Chakra also tells us about time as Kalchakra. The events happening now, find repeatation in past and future. The Yugas work in a cyclical manner. The wheel of time also takes form of a fierce weapon, representing Vishnu’s fierce form . We call this wheel as Sudarshan Chakra.
The Wheel of the Law (dharmachakra) is the single most important symbol of Buddhism, denoting the Buddha’s First Sermon in the forest at Sarnath, where he set Buddhist Law (dharma) in motion.
Chakra is also a term for various focal points used in a variety of ancient meditation practices, collectively denominated as Tantra, or the esoteric or inner traditions of Hinduism and Buddhism.
A wheel also is a representation of how our lives should always be moving forward , irrespective of the obstacles we come across.
Thanks Vani for this beautiful sketch of Chakra, drawn specially for “The Heritage Diary”.
Vani is an architect from Agra. The architecture and grandeur of ancient Indian temples has always fascinated her. She keeps on wondering how were they constructed with utmost detail and beauty. To capture them on paper is her little attempt to admire them.
Instagram page : @vani.bansal.12