The Art of rule : Helping you lead better

Book name : The Art of Rule : 151 Shlokas on Good Governance and Statecraf

Author : Deepali Vasishtha

Publication : Rupa Publications

Price: 295/-

Often, in my lectures, I say that leadership and management can be best understood through our epics and puranas. I write articles on the application of these tales in modern day corporate structure, taking cues from folklores, epics and Purans. So when I got to know about the book on the similar theme, I could just not keep myself away from it.

The Art of Rule is a book, written by Deepali Vasishtha, on the same topic. The writer has consolidated 151 profound Shlokas from ancient scriptures, offering valuable insights into statecraft and governance.

The 151 Shlokas present in the book are collected from many resources like Purans, Ramayana. Mahabharatha, Vedas, Upnishads, Panchtantra, Manusmriti, Vidurniti, Hitopdesha etc.; just to name a few. The Shlokas are divided in the topics of Governance, Raj Dharma, Know your Enemy, Deception, Decision making and Diplomacy, Powe or Punitive Action, Valor and Sacrifice, United We Stand and Code of Conduct.

The best part of the book is Each Shloka is presented in its original Sanskrit form, followed by clear explanations in both Hindi and English, making this a truly accessible and enlightening resource for readers of diverse backgrounds. Discover timeless lessons for effective leadership and governance, bridging the gap between ancient wisdom and modern governance practices.

You can order the book from this link.

By Dr Dinesh Soni

Dinesh is an an indologist and is writer of 18 books. He holds a doctorate in cultural studies. He is felicitated by Acedemia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan for his research in mythology. He has received numerous awards including the Lokmat Digital Influencer Award (Heritage). Dinesh is also a speaker who has graced many occasions. He is the main admin of Indian.Temples.

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